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What We Do
Who We Are

Breaking Point Solutions is a Minnesota-based
company that empowers communities to find their best path forward.
Today, we partner with communities
that need to improve broadband access and equality.
We support these communities with
flexible and cost-effective mapping, design and costing software
thats backed by expert guidance and responsive, hands-on
"To give real service you must add something which cannot
be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity."
- Douglas Adams
Nancy DeGidio, Partner
Nancy provides the business operations, analysis, strategic vision,
and relationship management functions for our team. She has three
decades of expertise with information technology . She has held
management roles for nearly two decades. She focuses on process
definition, strategic planning and marketing requirements. She
adds a cool and critical eye to each problem and excels in coming
up with unconventional, cost effective approaches. She is accustomed
to simultaneously seeing the 10,000 foot view as well as the viewpoint
from the trenches. Her process of asking the right questions guides
our team in finding the right answers. She is the moral and ethical
compass of our team.
Glenn Fishbine, Partner
Glenn provides the deep technology, mentoring, and technical partnerships
for our team. He has four decades of experience in a wide variety
of technologies and has held senior & board positions in several
private and public technology companies. He focuses on the technology
footprint and strategic planning for new ventures and product
introductions and provides leadership and coaching to product
and engineering teams. He excels in keeping projects from re-inventing
the wheel and finding inexpensive solutions to otherwise complex
problems. He has a keen ability to absorb new information and
integrate it with a vast library of experience and knowledge.
His musical tastes balance between James Tayler and Leonard Bernstein,
although he loves Vivaldi, but his piano skills are limited to
Bach and Palmer (with sincere apologies to Bach).